Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well, if at first you don't succeed

I definitely did last week all wrong. I spent a ton of money on who knows what. The on Friday I went out and spent way too much on eats and bevvies. We had fun, but I certainly overspent. Then yesterday I was feeling...well fuggles, so I treated myself to a mani-pedi and some eyebrow grooming. Overall I didn't spend a lot, but if you factor in my week of treats, it's not the best.

However, I don't feel like it was a total wash. I managed to go to the gym on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I did some cardio - nothing fancy mind you, but there's something about going that makes me feel really good about myself which is always a good thing. I barely though about work all weekend which was also great.

I have a few stressful things coming down the pipeline that are life-realted, but that small act of doing seomething cheap and good for myself really helped.

If you're feeling like you can't catch a break, that life is too overwhelming or even that you don't even know where to start making improvements, go for a run. Even if you have a perfect body, there's something about it that makes you feel better.

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