Sunday, August 9, 2009

A New Tactic

Frankly, I'm a little sick of worrying about everything all the time. The Bills, the career the body?! It's exhausting. I want to look and feel fabulous while also saving money, but I've realized that gunning for all three is a little bit ridiculous. All it does is give me massive amounts of anxiety.

This week I'm doing something different. I'm going to focus on feeling better. Slightly different but frugal for several reasons.

1) I get 200 bucks if I go to the gym 50 times in 6 months. Hells yeah!
2) I'll be in a better mood which will help me do less impulse shopping. (I've been so bad lately. It's out of control.)

This week I'm going to buy whatever food I want to eat provided it's healthy, so I guess that means a lot of Maoz or maybe whole foods. I'm not going to skip lunch to impress my boss. It isn't productive anyway.

I'm also going to hit the gym after work which means I won't go out or go shopping to kill time.

Let's do it, and see how it goes.

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