Monday, August 10, 2009

Somedays I'm just tired of budgeting

Ok, so basically paying down debt and losing weight are both super challenging, and it's difficult to do both at the same time. It's been 11 months since I started being more serious about not idiot twenty-something, and it's totally exhausting

I am tired of not having the trendy clothes or the fancy drinks or the great nights out. When I started thinking about this stuff, it was so exciting and novel, and now it just seems so normal. I know a bunch of people in more debt than me, and they're ok with it.

Ok, I know I want to continue making myself healthier in every way that I can, but sometimes....I just don't anymore. I know it's just a funk, and it will pass, but it's just so irritating on days like these when I just want to go treat myself to a Bloomingdales run and some fancy cocktails and call it a day.

In an attempt to makw myself feel better I'm going to list out the cheaper things I have access to that make me feel good:

1) Unlimited baths and showers: Water's included in my utilities, so I can have as many showers as I want.
2) Seltzer: I love seltzer. It's embarassing how much I enjoy drinking it. It helps because you can add it to drinks as a mixer with no extra calories, and you can have it at bars to make it look like you're drinking. Also, at 88 cents a bottle it's a treat that's always affordable.
3) High speed internet: What can I say? I love me some interwebs. I love going online and seeing what's going on. Does this make me a huge introvert? Do I care? Not really. It's fast and I love it.
4) Cable/Netflix; Most people slash these immediately, but for me it's cheap entertainment I can enjoy on weekends. My bf and I have spent plenty of nights in front of the old netflix-tube, and I wouldn't trade that time with him for the fanciest dinner ever.
5)The Libes: That's right. I dig the library. I watch my library queue like I watch my bank account. I love that I read a ton of new, great books for free.

Sigh. I suppose it isn't all bad.

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