Thursday, July 30, 2009

100 Bucks a Week

Sure it sounds like a lot when I type it, but apparently my monthly budget isn't enough to keep me from spending too much too soon. Instead of just keeping my bank account stocked, I'm going to take out my weekly cash at the beginning of the week and do my best to live on it. I know it sounds like a huge amount, but between food, going out and life's other necessities it ads up.

So far this week it's only Thursday afternoon, and I've already spent $48 which leaves me a whopping $52 to get through the next 3.5 days which would be great if I didn't have something lined up every day until Sunday.

My friends wouldn't judge me, but the idea of just going home because I'm out of money galls me. I never think to pull out my debit/cc card and float myself whatever I need. Also, if I'm already having a good time, why leave?

That's it. For the rest of this week and then all of August it's $100 a week or bust.

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