Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Avoid the Public Food

Manhattan street vendors are the devil, if the devil was the most delicious concoction of fried greasy deliciousness. Every day I try and bring my lunch to work.

Usually, on any given day I'll show up with
1) apple
2) carrots
3) sandwich
4) yogurt

after my breakfast of shredded wheat + banana, so basically I have plenty.

This should be enough. Calorie-wise it's more than enough, but this is so not the way to save money in this city. It kills me because I grew up here, and I've known this for years, and somehow even though I'm not even hungry, I run over to Maoz for some sweet potato fries, or I head over to Wendys and grab nuggets because obviously I need those to lose weight.

Wow, hopefully if I type about it enough here, I'll actually start facing the obvious.

Lesson 1: Do. Not. Buy. Food. In. NYC.

if you're new to NYC, you might think that you're getting a deal on your meals, but the truth is that nothing you buy outside of the supermarket (with exceptions) will save you money on a meal, and the chances of it not fattening you up are slim to none.

That's it. As of today, July 28,2009 I'm instituting a 1 month food at work ban. If I don't bring enough, then I'll drink water until I get home. As Leo Babauta says, focus on eating less healthy food, and this will make you healthier and save you money. (This isn't all in this post of his by the way, but I'm obsessed with his blog, and I'm sure that's in there somewhere.)

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